Saturday, December 27, 2008


Who doesn't like this movie...what a classic and thanks to some of the guys at Jasons work, we are now the proud owners of our very own leg lamp. YES!!! Thank goodness though its only about 16 inches tall. I LOVE IT!! :0) Here are some pictures from the movie and a picture of how Peter "RALPHIE" looks today...didn't turn out too bad huh ladies.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Yep!! Abbey has finally arrived. She came into our family officially on Dec 10th weighing in at 7.3 and 19 inches long..she is totally beautiful. UMMM hello I am her aunt!! :0) Let me give you a little information about her name. My little sister Shannon was named after the river Shannon in Ireland, well her and her hubby Chris went with my Dad and Ginny, to Ireland last year I think it was anyways, off the river Shannon is the river Abbey, and her middle name is Rae after our mother Susan Rae. Morgan also has the same middle name. She of course was tickled pink that Abbey and her have the same middle name from Grandma. Mom must be feeling pretty darn special I am sure. I wish Mom was here to hold this new little package, but I'm sure she gave Abbey a list of things to do for her Mom. (Shannon was not always the little angel she thinks she was..LOL) I can't wait to see her live and in person...January here we come. LOVE YA SHANNON...YOU DID GOOD GIRL!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Well this week was the week of programs. We went to watch Paige in the 7th grade orchestra program on Thursday night. She was, needless to say, very very nervous. She paced all morning until school and then after as well. She did an awesome job and to my surprise, she invited my laurels advisor Christy, who did her hair for the big night, and my Beehive counselor Katie, who also teaches her violin, to come and watch her perform, and they came!!! What great women!! That really made her night. Not only did they come but their spouses and their cute little girls. Today we went and watched Morgan at her DARE program. Officier Gordon from the Spanish Fork City Police department has been coming to the school now for the last 10 weeks to teach kids to stay away from drugs. Several songs were sung, awards handed out and pictures after.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My little Artist at work again!

Morgan won a reflections art contest at school..she took second and had her drawing go to the district for another competition with kids from other schools. Kade also won and took third place. They were both really excited!! Way to go you two!